Students learn best when their individual academic needs are met, and no other form of learning yields better results than one-on-one instruction. While teachers work tirelessly to provide the best possible education for students, the nature of the modern school system often makes individualized instruction impossible.
Class sizes are simply too big, with limited time to teach an increasingly information-heavy curriculum. Pressure to prepare students for standardized tests also places demands on a teacher’s time. Large classrooms make it easy to overlook struggling students or miss the signs that a skilled student is underperforming due to a lack of challenging material.
These issues — unavoidable in most schools — are why tutoring is important. Tutors can play enormous roles in a student’s academic life. They help students of all ages master the curriculum. They teach valuable study skills and provide the personalized instruction many students need to thrive.
Does Tutoring Work?
Absolutely. There’s plenty of evidence that regular tutoring improves academic performance by helping students master key concepts and build self-confidence. Results are often slow but steady, with grades improving as the student masters study skills. You won’t see changes overnight, but long-term private tutoring has a proven track record for improving academic performance.
Why Is Tutoring Important?
Improving grades and the student’s understanding of course materials are, of course, important goals for any tutor. How tutors accomplish this, however, may surprise you. Many people think of tutors as “homework helpers,” but that’s not really what tutoring is.
Personalized Learning
Tutoring uses personalized learning plans to guide students to a deeper understanding of the course material and their own learning styles. No two students learn in exactly the same way. Some thrive in busy classrooms, while others find classrooms distracting and stressful. Some students need help mastering basic coursework, while others crave more challenging material. Tutors identify these issues and deliver the targeted instruction the student needs.
Tutors Provide a Safe Environment for Learning
Some students are hesitant to participate in class, fearing they’ll embarrass themselves by giving the wrong answer or look bad in front of their peers. Tutoring provides a safe, nonjudgmental environment for learning, where students can make mistakes without fear of censure or peer responses.
Tutors Address Special Education Needs
Students with special education needs require personalized instruction that’s difficult to provide in a large classroom. Students on the autistic spectrum and those with ADHD often do better in one-on-one tutoring sessions, where tutors can take the time to break lesson goals down into smaller sections. Online tutoring services provide tutors with experience working with learning disabilities and other special needs.
Tutors Reduce Learning Loss
Summer vacation, the winter holidays, and other breaks in the school year have a noticeable effect on student retention, especially in younger children. During summer break, for instance, students lose up to three full months of reading and math skills. Regular tutoring sessions throughout academic breaks help prevent skill loss and can give students a head start on mastering their next school year’s requirements.
Tutors Offer Flexibility
Outside of school, students have family commitments, extracurricular activities, chores, and social events that quickly fill their schedules. Online tutoring services offer flexible session times, so students have access to tutors no matter how hectic life becomes.
Tutoring Improves Family Relationships
Concerns about academic performance, report cards, and homework completion cause families stress and can trigger arguments. Tutoring has been found to reduce this stress, facilitating improved family relationships.
Tutoring Boosts Student Confidence
Students often doubt their academic abilities, creating a vicious cycle where every failure increases stress and doubt. As students master key concepts with their tutor’s help, their self-confidence grows, encouraging them to participate more in class. Small successes accumulate until the student is a confident learner.
Tutors Teach Lifelong Learning Skills
Tutors don’t just help students with their current classes — they teach the skills needed to succeed in any academic environment. Students who work with tutors develop stronger time management and study skills. They gain an understanding of their personal learning style and how to capitalize on their strengths. The real goal of tutoring isn’t to improve a student’s grade in one subject area; it’s to transform students into independent and lifelong learners.
The right tutor will positively affect your student’s academic performance, self-confidence, and self-esteem. At Revolution Prep, we believe tutoring should be available to all students, no matter where they’re located. Online tutoring makes it possible for us to meet this goal regardless of how many tutoring sessions are needed. Talk to a Revolution Prep team member today, and we’ll help you find a tutor who will help your student meet their academic goals.